There are lots of way to give thanks at a meal: enjoying chicken like a hungry jackal
is just one of them. |
Dec. 19, 2010 Text and Photos by Chad Lebo
Food is an important part of life at Akany. Just as fine meal and company can make
your day's troubles melt away. A good meal for the kids can make their memories of a troubled past fade. And Christmas time, as we celebrate God's gift to us, is a wonderful time for feasting among friends.
On December 12, we got an early start on the holiday season by having a day of food, friends, gifts and music. The Akany Christmas party was a long and marvelous day. Too many good things for one post, so we will start with the food and follow up with the gifts and music in a few days.
And whether for the food, the gifts or the special musical guest, we all owe thanks to those who have been so gracious to Akany this year. The Christmas celebration so loved by the children is only possible because of the caring of others from across the world. For those that have given, please know that your love made a difference on this day and every day this year.
Some of the nearly 250 dinner guests. |
Impressive. It's not easy to have a pretty smile while eating a chicken leg. Try it sometime. |
All the fresh veggies a big spoon and a big belly could want. |
Raising glasses of ranonapango, rice tea, in celebration and thanks. |
"Fine, one photo, but make it snappy. I'm eating here." |
Christmas in Madagascar may not mean snow, but it does mean sweet peaches, plums and much-loved lychees. |
It's not really a holiday feast until someone unbunttons a shirt and collapses into unconsciousness. |
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