Break Out the Red Carpet...or Dirt

A ministerial visit is a good excuse to dress up and dance.
March 14, 2011 Text and Photos by Chad Lebo

A few weeks ago, the Minster of Population, Nadine RAMAROSON, came to Akany Avoko for a lovely visit. We swept the dirt, cleaned the floors and washed behind our ears for the official visit. She was greeted in the driveway by a long line of children waving pompoms.

Though the visit was brief, there was time for a few short speeches, some traditional dancing and a tour of the center. As a special treat, the Minister and entourage of body guards and assistants handed out candy, biscuits and soap to all the children. There were a few issues with the smaller children trying to wash down their candy by gnawing on the soap, but all in all it was a very nice visit.

Be honest, soap and candy don't look that different. Soap just looks bigger and tastier.
Lalasoa and the Minister with a few toddlers in tow.
A bird's eye view of the dancing and cheering.
All the pompoms were made by the children the day before.
The day was worth just to see something this cute.

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