Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Team 1

Happy kids and happy volunteers. 
Sep. 11, 2012 text and photos by Chad Lebo

Some World Challenge teams may only stay a short time, but they still make a big difference. And the wonderful students and teachers from Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Team 1 certainly did make a big difference in only 3 days.

The hardworking team of 13, painted 2 of our primary school classrooms. And thanks to a generous donation from World Challenge and the students, the cost of the paint and equipment was more than covered. The remaining money was able fund further school-related projects such as equipment for the upcoming school year.

Great work.
Adding some brown oil paint to protect the walls and hide dirt.
Some final touches to finish the classroom.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Some World undertaking teams could simplest keep a short time, but they still make a gigantic difference. watch online movies
And the unique students and academics from Queen Elizabeth Grammar school staff 1 undoubtedly did make a large difference in simplest 3 days.

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